Dessiné par Bernhardt & Vella 2014Le lit Palazzo est rythmé par le jeu de panneaux de différentes dimensions, qui peuvent accueillir le sommier, en créant une agréable sensation d'intimité et un lit pratique et très élégant, adapté soit à la maison soit pour les projets.

Bernhardt & Vella
Ellen Bernhardt, born in Germany and Paola Vella, born in Assisi, Italy, both move to Milan in 2001. They meet at a design studio in Milan and start their collaboration based on affinity and a common vision of design, developed during their individual international working experiences. Design is understood as an individual interface, which can tell in a simple and clear way the project and at the same time convey emotion and poetry. Since 2008 they collaborate with important furniture companies, developing products and acting as artistic directors.